Battlefield 1 Pigeon Game Mode

Battlefield 1 is easily one of the most gorgeous games on the market right now. While the PS4 and PC versions may be a bit more immediately future-proof thanks to the PS4 Pro and hardware upgrades, the default Xbox One version stuns with a high level of detail in everything. Operations mix Conquest, Rush and Assault modes, and offer Behemoth class vehicles to help losing teams turn the tide in their favor. Conquest – 64 players. A classic Battlefield game mode, each team is tasked with capturing and controlling key points on the map.

War Pigeons is a game mode in Battlefield 1.


During the Great War, man-made communication systems were still crude and unreliable, so dogs and pigeons were used extensively to carry messages. In the War Pigeons game mode the opposing sides compete to use messenger pigeons to call in artillery barrages on the enemy. When the game starts, a pigeon coup with a messenger pigeon is placed somewhere on the map. Locate the pigeon before the enemy and carry it to a safe location out in the open. There you prepare a message and send it off, calling for artillery support. Once a message is successfully sent an artillery barrage will strike the enemy.

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Battlefield 1 Pigeon Game Modern

Early on in the single player campaign there's a mission called Through Mud and Blood where you play a tank crew overrun by enemy force. Their solution to the problem is to release a pigeon back to. The Battlefield 1 subreddit. Battlefield 1 is developed by DICE and produced by EA. Your place for discussion, help, news, reviews, questions, screenshots, videos, gifs, and anything else BF1 related! From hardcore gamers to converts and newbies, all are welcome in /r/BattlefieldOne.

Battlefield 1 Pigeon Game Modes

  • About that 'Pigeon Mode' There is a rumour spreading it wings, quite literally, regarding the Possession game mode which is also known as the pigeon game mode. The Pigeon game mode name originally comes from YouTube user AlmighyDaq, who posted a video before Battlefield 1 was announced.
  • Some Battlefield 1 fans think there will be a pigeon mode in DICE's World War 1 shooter. Let's be clear: there has been no official confirmation of a pigeon mode as yet. If there is one, DICE is.