Buy and sell locally. Craigslist has listings for pigeons for sale in the Hartford, CT area. Browse photos and search by condition, price, and more. Passenger pigeons were a great force in the ecology of eastern North American forests, Novak said, and the science that Revive & Restore is doing is a way to return something to the environment. Hey guys, I'm setting up my In App Purchases and following along @BraydonSFX video. He mentions about 9:00 mins in that you need to place a restore button in you game, to restore non-consumable items (or else Apple won't approve your app). GamePigeon is a cool app that allows you to enjoy a collection of excellent two-player games on iMessage with your friends and family. It contains games such as 8-Ball, Poker, Gomoku, Sea Battle, and Anagrams. If you can’t download GamePigeon for some reason or you have downloaded it and it just doesn’t work, I will help you fix the problem in this article.
This is the sub event that will be triggered by any IAP call-backs received.
This event can only be triggered when you have activated In App Purchases for your game. If you have this functionality added, then the event will be triggered under the following circumstances:
- The store state changes.
- A product (or products) have been activated.
- The product and purchases have been restored.
- A product has been purchased.
- A product has been consumed.
The event will always create a special ds_map with an index ID stored in the built in variable iap_data. This map will always contain the key 'type', which will hold one of the following constant values:
Constant | Description |
iap_ev_storeload | This is triggered when a change is detected in the target platform store. |
iap_ev_product | This event is triggered when a product is activated and will contain additional information about the product. |
iap_ev_restore | This event is only triggered when you use the iap_restore_all function. |
iap_ev_purchase | When a purchase has been completed, this event is triggered. |
iap_ev_consume | When you use the function iap_consume it triggers this event. |
Each of these possible event 'types' will add extra keys to the iap_data ds_map, which can then be parsed to get the purchase or product information necessary. The exact contents of the iap_data map are listed below for each event 'type'.
When you activate your purchases, your game will try to contact the target store, triggering this event in the process. The iap_data map will then have an addition key 'status', which will have one of the following constants as it's value:
Constant | Description |
iap_storeload_ok | The store has been contacted and the connection is good. |
iap_storeload_failed | There has been a connection error or for some reason the store is unavailable. |
All activated purchases will trigger this event 'type', but only once per purchase, so if you have activated ten products you should expect this event to trigger ten times. If you have received this event, the iap_data ds_map will hold the additional key 'index' which holds the unique product ID string for the product being activated. You can then use the function iap_product_details along with this product ID to get further information.
NOTE: Google Play (Android) can only request details for products 20 at a time which can lead to quite long load times for applications with a significant number of products.
When you call the function iap_restore_all it will trigger this event, adding a 'result' key to the iap_data ds_map. This key will hold either true or false to indicate whether the purchase data has been successfully restored from the target store.
On requesting a purchase using the function iap_acquire this event type will be triggered. The iap_data ds_map will have the additional key 'index' which holds the unique purchase ID value for the product being purchased. You can then use the function iap_purchase_details along with this purchase ID to get further information.
NOTE: If the product purchased is consumable then it must be used using iap_consume before a further purchase can be made.
When using the function iap_consume this event type will be triggered. The iap_data ds_map will have the additional key 'product' which holds the unique product ID string for the product being consumed.
NOTE: The iap_data ds_map created for the in app purchase event is only valid in this event and should not be accessed anywhere else in your game.
© Copyright YoYo Games Ltd. 2018 All Rights Reserved
GamePigeon is a cool app that allows you to enjoy a collection of excellent two-player games on iMessage with your friends and family. It contains games such as 8-Ball, Poker, Gomoku, Sea Battle, and Anagrams.
If you can’t download GamePigeon for some reason or you have downloaded it and it just doesn’t work, I will help you fix the problem in this article. I have categorized the possible problems you may experience with this iMessage game and provided solutions to fix them.
Read Also:How to play GamePigeon on Mac
How to fix GamePigeon invite errors
If a white screen pops up when you are opening a game invite, then you need to restart your iPhone or update your iOS version. To do this follow the steps below:
To restart your iPhone, simply press and hold the Sleep/Wake and the Volume Down button concurrently. Wait for about 10 seconds for the iPhone’s screen to turn off. Once it is off, hold those buttons again to turn it on. Have the game invite resent again and check whether it works.
To update to the latest version of iOS, connect your iPhone to a power source and make sure it is connected to the internet via Wi-Fi too. Go to Settings > General > Software Update. Select the update and tap Download and Install. Once the new version is installed, reinstall GamePigeon on your iMessage. Remember that this game only works on iOS 7 and above.
What to do when Game pigeon doesn’t install
If GamePigeon doesn’t install on your iPhone, then you need to restart your device. Once you restart, simply visit the iMessage app store and download the app again. If it doesn’t install after a restart, then you should update to the latest version of iOS. Follow this guide if you cannot download GamePigeon.
I downloaded the app but can’t play games
Restore Iap Game Pigeons
If you have downloaded Game Pigeon and you can’t access or play games, simply follow these steps. Open any message thread on iMessage and at the bottom left, tap the 4 dots. Once you do this, you should see the game. Select your game of choice and an invite will be sent to your friend.
If you cannot play due to problems with the invite, refer to the above section with solutions to invite errors.
Another common error is when Game Pigeon doesn’t show on iMessage. To fix this, simply open iMessage, tap the 4 dots, hold the GamePigeon icon until it jiggles and then tap the x that appears to remove it. Once you have removed it, you can re-install the app again.
What Does Restore Iap Mean On Game Pigeon
How to start a game on GamePigeon
Top play games on GamePigeon you have to install the app on your iMessage first. Simply follow the steps outlined below to install this app and play games right from it.
- Open any message thread on iMessage
- Tap the AppStore icon on the iMessage app drawer at the bottom
- Tap on the 4 dots on the bottom left of the screen
- Tap Store and search for GamePigeon
- Select the game and tap install
- Once installed, Open a message thread
- Tap the AppStore icon at the bottom
- Choose your preferred game and tap Start
You will get a notification when the recipient joins the game. Ensure that your iPhone is operating on iOS 7.1.2 and above for the game to work. If you cannot see the app on your iMessage App Store, this is an indication that your device doesn’t support the game.
Read Also:How to delete game data from iOS
How to delete GamePigeon
Follow these steps to delete GamePigeon from the old iOS versions:
- Open iMessage and tap on any message thread
- Tap the AppStore icon at the bottom of the screen
- Tap the 4 dots that appear on the bottom left
- Hold on to its app icon until it jiggles
- Tap x and it will be deleted
To delete GamePigeon from the newest versions of iOS, follow these steps:
- Open iMessage
- Tap the AppStore icon
- Swipe left the apps that appear at the bottom until you see 3 dots
- Find GamePigeon on the page that appears
- Swipe it left to delete
If you are enjoying this game, then you might also like Akinator, which is a genie guessing game. Make sure to leave a message here if you encounter further problems with the app.
Read Also:How to play a game on iMessage for iPhone