How To Change Your Avatar On Game Pigeon

Scroll down the bottom option, 'Custom Avatar' - you can use 'Choose File' (1) to browse the images on your computer. Once you find the one you want to use, click 'Save Changes' (2): PigAva.jpg Once your new avatar is uploaded, the screen will refresh and you will see your avatar under the top section, 'Current Avatar': PigCurrent.jpg.

(Mancala) Anagram: CHEK OUT MY 2nd CHANNEL IT'LL HELP A LOT!!!: Make a customized avatar for your Twitch channel or any other gaming channel. With Placeit's Twitch Avatar Maker you can create your own with just a few clicks.

To select an avatarfrom gallery:

• Head to the Account Information page.
• Click on your current avatar in the Public profile section.
• Select a game from the drop-down to view the available avatars.
• Click on the avatar you would like to use.
• Confirm your selection by clicking Choose.

Your updated avatar should now be displayed in the Public profile section.
To upload a custom avatarPigeon:

• Click on your current avatar in the Public profile section.
• Switch to the Upload your avatar tab.
• Click Upload to browse for your image or drag and drop it into the window.
The resolution of the picture should be at least 500x500 px. PNG and JPG files are supported for the upload.
• You will now be able to move position and scale the picture.
• Confirm your selection by clicking on Upload.

Your updated avatar should now be displayed in the Public profile section.
Please note that all custom avatars need to be compliant with our Terms of Use.
If you are having trouble with uploading a custom avatar, try completing our browser troubleshooting. Should the issue persist, there is a possibility that you have been banned from uploading your own avatars.
Contact us if you have any other questions.

Your avatar can be edited at any time, appearing in any game mode any way you want, so check these steps:

  • 5Shops
    • 5.1Avatars
  • 7Selling Avatar
Entering in Edit Mode

First you need enter in avatar edit mode, for this:

1. Click in your profile in the upper left corner

2. Click into your avatar picture at your profile

3. Select Create Your Avatar


1.Click in 'Build'

2.Click in 'Avatars'

3.Click in 'Build' in one of the avatars

When entering for the first time, a brief tutorial will appear but if you skipped it no problem, just follow the article.

1. The keys W A S D move your character in a horizontal where:

W (Front)

S (Back)

A (Left)

D (Right)

2. The E and C keys move your character in a vertical where:

E (Top)

C (Down)

3. You can freely move your mouse to the direction of the camera clicking into the right button of your mouse

Select Body Part

In avatar editing mode you can select from several body parts, these are:

  • Head
  • Arms
  • Trunk
  • Legs
  • Foot

This division will allow you to have better control of the editions of each part of the body of your character.

  • To add Cubes, first type 1, or select edit cube in top, after click on the small cube that appears to the right side of the screen, there you can select a myriad of them.
  • To delete cubes, type 2, or select delete cube in top, if that you can remove them.
    Drawing Plane Example
  • To paint cubes, type 3, or select paint cubes in top, with this you can paint the blocks according to any selected.
  • To see the drawing plane, type F, with this tool you are able to create a spreadsheet in your edition, to put blocks about on it.

With the cubes you can model, changing the way you want the selected body part in as you wish, creativity is unlimited.

Avatars[edit | edit source]

In Game Avatar Shop

* In Game[edit | edit source]

The original game shop is in-game by clicking on the icon of your game, there you can find original game avatars to buy, edit and play if them

* Community Shop[edit | edit source]

The community game shop can be accessed clicking on the shop icon on the homepage in avatar section, there you can find awesome community avatar creations to buy, edit and play if them(but you can't sell a avatar made by someone else).

Cosmetics[edit | edit source]

Cosmetic Shop

To enter, click on the market cart at the bottom of the page

With this shop you can choose among several cosmetics for your avatar, divided into 4 subcategories:

  • Hats
  • Particles

How To Change Your Avatar On Game Pigeon Free

  • Back Accessories
  • Featured

After choosing one, you are able to change prefixes of size and height according to the selected item.

Taking Screenshot

After you finish your avatar, you can take a screenshot so that it is tornable visible in your profile or in the community market if you're selling it, for this:

  • Click the that appears bellow the screen.
  • When you are ready click Ok.

The loading usually does not take long. After this your avatar will have an updated photo!

Selling Avatar

The store is a way in which you can share your creations and sell them to the community of the game, this can be done after the player passes from level 3. For this:

  • Click in the that appears below the screen of your game.
  • Enter a avatar name.

That will appears in the shop for other players.

  • When you are ready click Ok.

A loading screen will appear, which usually does not take a minute. After this your avatar will be published on the site, to access the page in the market for your avatar, go to your profile in Avatar Market section.

  • Note: Currently avatars can only be sold through the WebGL browser

How To Change Your Gamepigeon Avatar To A Girl

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