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That is the exact reason why we have created this blog; as a way to help other puzzle lovers like ourselves. On this page you will find the solution to the “Stool pigeon” clue which was last seen on LA Times, May 20 2019.
- The stool pigeon may be the only optional role in play, and makes up one of the few modern game forms to be played without an investigative role. Distinct from the alignment-role Godfather, the double-agent Godfather behaves as a standard mafioso, but wakes again (after the Mafia sleep) to perform an extra kill.
- Informer/Informant is closely related. An informant is a person who provides privileged information about a person or organization to an agency. The term is usually used within the law enforcement world, where they are officially known as confidential or criminal informants, and can often refer pejoratively to the supply of information without the consent of the other parties with the intent.
- A: The term “stool pigeon” did indeed once refer to a hunting decoy – in this case, a live pigeon fastened to a stool to attract game birds, according to the Oxford English Dictionary. The OED suggests that this meaning of “stool” may possibly be influenced by an old Anglo-French word, estale, which referred to a pigeon used to.
Stool Pigeon Game Hint Wordscapes
Master these essential literary terms and you’ll be talking like your English teacher in no time.
A protagonist is the main character of a story, or the lead. Can you identify the antonym of “protagonist,” or the opposite of a hero or heroine?
Stool Pigeon Game Hint Word Search
Origin ofstooly
Words nearby stooly
Stookey-Scarff operation, stookie, stool, stool ball, stool pigeon, stooly, stoop, stoop ball, stoop labor, stoop to, stoor
Stool Pigeon Game Hint Word
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020